A Night at the Opera (blu-ray)



Arts patron Mrs. Claypool (Margaret Dumont) intends to pay pompous Opera Star Lassparri $1,00 per performance. Hey, perhaps that is why they call it grand opera! That is grand comedy, too, as Groucho, Chico, and Harpo cram a ship’s stateroom and more with wall-to-wall gags, one-liners, musical riffs and two hard-boiled eggs — all even as skewering Lassparri’s schemes and helping two young hopefuls (Kitty Carlisle and Allan Jones) get a break. to avoid wasting the opera, our heroes will have to first destroy it. They will have to also gain ocean passage as stowaways, pull the wool (if no longer the beards) over the eyes of city hall, shred legal mumbo-jumbo all the way down to a sanity clause, pester dowager Claypool and unleash such a lot glee that many say That is the most efficient Marx Brothers movie. Seeing is believing.

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